Here are the models currently available in the IH SubCategory of Farm Machinery diecasts models.
Note that some models in the Case Sub-Category carry both the Case and IH names. So if you don't find a model on this store page, try the Case STORE.
However, where ever you find a model, there should also be a "Buy Now" button - which will take you quickly to the Checkout area. A page like this, in fact.
If you already know you may buy several models from a certain category, you might be wise to head to these complete category STORE pages, so you have them close together.
Need more information to help you decide? Click on the link under the model image. It will take you to it's "Shop" page. That is where you will find the most detailed information I have on that model.
MORE at: 1:64 International Harvester Red Forage Wagons
MORE at: Two 1:16 Scale International Harvester Red Forage Wagons with Grey Toppers
MORE at: AXAIL Flow 1640 International Harvester Combine with Grain Header
MORE at: AXAIL Flow 1640 International Harvester Combine with Corn Header
MORE at: 1 Vintage Red IH 2400 Hay Baler with Round Green Bale
MORE at: 2-Vintage-Red-IH-2400-Hay-Baylers-Good-as-New
MORE at: 3 Vintage Red 2400 IH Hay Balers by Ertl-Used Toys
MORE at: 5088 International Harvester Tractor 1:64 Scale by Ertl
MORE at: Anhydrous-Ammonia - Tanks - International Harvester in 1:16 scale
MORE at: Case IH Corn Planter, plus V-Rake for Hay/Straw Diecast Farm Implements
MORE at: Red International Harvester Harrow
MORE at: International Harvester Disc Harrow with Folding Wings
MORE at: Red Grinder Mixer Mill by International Harvester in 1/16 scale by Ertl
MORE at: Vintage 1086 International red Tractor with off-white Canopy
MORE at: Vintage 1995 Case IH 8465 Round Baler
MORE at: Vintage 966 Hydro IH small red Tractor with white Canopy
Collectors' Hangers[Dub-City, Hotwheels, Matchbox,Greenlight, Maisto] |
Johnny Lightning Hangers[Also Collector's Hangers,but ONLY Johnny Lightning brand] |
Favs[Tom's Most Favourite Models] |
Farm Equipment[Brands: Case, IH, John Deere,Massey Ferguson, Misc] (Will have sub-categories) |
Promo[Promotional Models]Promo STORE |
Toys[Unboxed or Used]Toys STORE |
[See Shipping n Payments page for Full details on Options. You may wish to see the page of photos where I show these arrangements with the real models and shipping boxes.]
Ruth Marlene Friesen |
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Bouquet of Enterprises © 2004-2024 Ruth Marlene Friesen
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada