Vintage red IH 2400 hay baler with round green bale

1 Vintage Red IH 2400 Hay Baler with Round Green Bale

Tom had six of theseĀ - all with identical shapes and all red. If these vintage red International Harvesters (IH) hay balers, in 1/64 scale, were in original packaging, and were in pristine condition, they could easily sell for around $20 or more each.

I do see some minor differences, so I'm dividing them into three price-groups.

Three of them are in perfect condition and one of them has a roll of green wrapping for the round bales, or perhaps it does represent a round bale wrapped in green plastic? So I've decided that one can go for as high as $9.00 Cdn. (The other two will show up on another page, priced at $6.00 each.)

(Remember, I'm drastically reducing models that are not in their original packages).

Since these are of a vintage era, you may want to snap one or two up for your collection, as you know how models that are played with tend to disappear with time.

Price: $9.00 ~ in Stock: 1

1.8 oz 6 cm long x 4 cm wide x 4 cm. high (w/green round bale inside)
2.5 in long X 1.75 in wide X 1.75 in high

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[See Shipping n Payments page for Full details on Options. You may wish to see the page of photos where I show these arrangements with the real models and shipping boxes.]

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada