Unboxed Toys Category

1966 red Ford Thunderbird (from above) by City Cruiser

1966 Dark Red Ford Thunderbird by City Cruiser

4 City Cruiser models of long-ago convertibles.

This dark red Thunderbird is one of four convertibles in this private collection; two are Ford Thunderbirds, and two are Buicks. It would appear that these were all made in the Hong Kong factory for City Cruiser in the earliest years, though I find no indication of their year of production.

Ford brought out their first Thunderbird car in 1955 to compete with the new Corvette that General Motors brought out the previous year. I'm not sure how the competition turned out, but Ford brought more changes to their Thunderbird pretty well every year - until 2005, sometimes going for a more sporty look and then some years trying to appeal to those who wanted a more of a luxury or status symbol car.

I haven't found out yet, whether they conceded the war to Corvettes, or just got tired of the war.

It seems to me there were some songs about the T-Bird by popular groups like the Beach Boys, or others back in the 1960s. (Not my kind of music, but I heard it anyway, when the radio was on).

If you are keen to know more about Thunderbird Fords, you will find it easy to discover a lot of information online by doing a simple Google search, for there are many Thunderbird devotees who just love to share all they know and think or believe about those cars.

This 1966 Dark Red Ford Thunderbird would make a nice little keepsake for someone with fond memories of this model in real life back when they were young!

By the way, this comes with a tattered looking card; I'm including it for you might want to see the list of models that City Cruiser made for this particular series.

(I can be persuaded to sell all four of these convertibles for $20 Cdn as a set.)

Price: $7.00 ~~ in Stock: 1

3.2 oz (car alone) 3.8 with backing. 11.5 cm x 4.5 cm x 2.5 cm high; or 4.5 in x 1.75 in x 1 in high
with backing cardboard; 15 cm x 15 cm x 3 cm high; or 6 in. x 6 in. x 1.25 in high
All four of these convertibles will fit into a shipping box.

Set: 4 Convertibles all at Once!

1966 red Ford Thunderbird (above the rear) by City Cruiser
1966 red Ford Thunderbird - driver's side - by City Cruiser
1966 red Ford Thunderbird showing yellow interior
1966 red Ford Thunderbird on tattered card with yellowed bubble

Condensed Shipping Options!

(Choose 2 - 3 models at once to reduce shipping!)
Put models you want into your Cart; at checkout make sure you are not charged for shipping on each model - if they qualify for one of these Options.

(Smallest Boxes)
to Canadian address: C-1 = 1 item/box; C-2 = 2 items/box; C-3 = 3 items/box.
to USA address: U-1 = 1 item/box; U-2 = 2 items/box; U-3 = 3 items/box
to International address: I-1 = 1 item/box; I-2 = 2 items/box; I-3 = 3 items/box (2nd size box)

(2nd Size Boxes)
to Canadian address: C-i = 1 item/box; C-ii = 2 items/box; C-iii = 3 items/box.
to USA address: U-i = 1 item/box; U-ii = 2 items/box; U-iii = 3 items/box
to International addresss: I-i = 1 item/box; I-ii = 2 items/box; I-iii = 3 items/box (some smaller items)

[See Shipping n Payments page for Full details on Options. You may wish to see the page of photos where I show these arrangements with the real models and shipping boxes.]

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada