3070 Masey Ferguson Tractor with Gray Cab in 1:64 scale by Ertl

3070 Massey Ferguson Tractor
with Gray Cab in 1:64 scale by Ertl

The 3070 Massey Ferguson Tractors seem to have had a good reputation. Farmers who have been at it for many years, say that the sturdy tractors Massey Ferguson put out from 1986-to 1992 were great, and could get more work done, and stay at it for much longer hours than a bigger tractor from other companies.

Some have complained that the electrical parts were harder to fix, and if your dealer didn't know how to repair it, you could be stuck with lots of problems. On one forum a man inquiring about buying one was advised to make sure he had a good dealer/farm machinery mechanic nearby who could be relied on to do such repairs, then it would be safe to buy such a tractor. When they run well, they are very hard workers.

This single diecast model (1:64 scale) does not have windows, but it would appear that if they come on a full-sized tractor the driver would have a fine clear view in every direction.

This model will be a good reminder of past farming experiences. It is only $3.00

Price: $3.00 ~~ in Stock: 1

2.2 oz. 6 cm. long X 4 cm. wide X 4.5 cm. high

3070 Massey Ferguson Tractor gray cab (left side view)

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[See Shipping n Payments page for Full details on Options. You may wish to see the page of photos where I show these arrangements with the real models and shipping boxes.]

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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