Steiger Turbo Tiger II 4WD, PTO (left-side view)

Steiger Turbo Tiger II Tractor
4WD in lime green

The BIG Steiger tractor was first invented by a father and two sons in northern Minnesota, who farmed next to each other. Their first protype was made in 1958. Soon these neighbours wanted a big, powerful tractor like that too, and they began to produce more, always naming each new design after a wild cat animal, such as Wildcat, Bearcat, Tiger, Lion, etc. Altogether there were about 30 models in 3 sizes, I, II, and III.

There was a while when the Steiger brothers made their tractor models for various tractor companies, such as John Deere. They would change the colour to match the company for which they were built.

In 1986 their designs were bought up by International Harvester, and the colours changed to red, but many farmers are still proud to be using the ones from 1963-1986 as they are powerful machines that help them to get their fields worked in record good time.

There are also keen collectors of the Steiger in the diecast models world.

This model is the Turbo Tiger II with 4 wheel drive, with the new Safari cab. It is in mint condition, but without the original packaging. I've seen this model for sale in yellow at $75.00! I'll let you have this one for $15.00.

Price: $15.00 ~ in Stock: 1

5.8 oz. ~ 9 cm long X 5 cm wide X 6 cm high

Steiger Turbo Tiger II Tractor, 4WD, (front view)
Steiger Turbo Tiger II tractor, 4WD (left-side view)
Steiger Turbo Tiger II Tractor, 4WD, (rear view)
Steiger  Turbo Tiger II Tractor, 4WD, (right side view)

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada