8850 John Deere Tractor -4WD (viewed from front)

8850 John Deere 4WD Tractor with Dual wheels by Ertl

The 8850 John Deere 4WD Tractor with dual wheels was originally part of the 8050 series built between 1982-1988. Now the diecast models are made by Ertl.

This one, the 8850, was the only model by John Deere with a V-8 engine. However, wear and tear when using the tractor in the field caused damage to that engine and many farmers found the only solution was to have that V-8 removed altogether and replaced with Kinze re-power operation that put in a different engine altogether. Then it served well for many years. Those looking to buy a used tractor for the farm, often find the 8850 - especially if it had the engine replaced - is a good deal.

For this reason I think farmers that have good memories of a reliable tractor in this model will be the ones who want to buy a diecast model of the 8850 John Deere. Others may do so too, of course.

Price: $15.00 ~~ in Stock: 1

3.8 oz. ~~ 9 cm long X 6 cm wide X 5 cm. high

8850 John Deere Tractor 4WD (viewed from rear/right side)
8850 John Deere tractor 4WD (viewed from right side)

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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