4 green garm trailers or wagons lined up (view from above)

4 Green Farm Wagons/Trailers - Your Choice!

These handy farm wagons or trailers fit quite nicely with a number of the smaller John Deere tractors, or even the Case and International Harvester models. It is hard to guess which might be your choice. So I hope it is helpful to assign the same price to each of these 4 wagons, and to let you choose which tractor you would prefer to pair with it.

I used the small John Deere 630 Row Crop Tractor for a photo session, so you will see those below, but if that has been sold to someone else already, just check through this index for the other tractors and choose to make up a set of your own.

For the John Deere 630 Row Crop tractor (also $9.00 Cdn) go to it's sales' page here: John Deere 630 Row Crop Tractor (If it has sold it will be moved to the SOLD folder.)

Price: $9.00 ~~ in Stock: 4

7 oz (together)the two lowest are 2,6 oz.ea the two higher are 2.8 oz. each.
lower 2 wagons 6 cm long x 3.5 cm x 3 cm high;
taller 2 wagons: 5 cm long x 4cm /3cm wide X 3.5 cm high/3 cm high]

4 green farm trailers lined up view from side
4 green farm wagons lined up
4 Case tractors and 4 green wagons or trailers - (rear view)
green grain trailer

Condensed Shipping Options!

(Choose 2 - 3 models at once to reduce shipping!)
Put models you want into your Cart; at checkout make sure you are not charged for shipping on each model - if they qualify for one of these Options.

(Smallest Boxes)
to Canadian address: C-1 = 1 item/box; C-2 = 2 items/box; C-3 = 3 items/box.
to USA address: U-1 = 1 item/box; U-2 = 2 items/box; U-3 = 3 items/box
to International address: I-1 = 1 item/box; I-2 = 2 items/box; I-3 = 3 items/box (2nd size box)

(2nd Size Boxes)
to Canadian address: C-i = 1 item/box; C-ii = 2 items/box; C-iii = 3 items/box.
to USA address: U-i = 1 item/box; U-ii = 2 items/box; U-iii = 3 items/box
to International addresss: I-i = 1 item/box; I-ii = 2 items/box; I-iii = 3 items/box (some smaller items)

[See Shipping n Payments page for Full details on Options. You may wish to see the page of photos where I show these arrangements with the real models and shipping boxes.]

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Bouquet of Enterprises © 2004-2025 Ruth Marlene Friesen
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada