Farm Equipment
MX-270 red Case IH Magnum Tractor 4WD with spaced dual rear wheels

MX270 Case IH Magnum 4WD
with Rear Spaced Dual Tires

The big 'real' tractors caught farmers' attention because they looked like big muscle machines. But on a couple of forums where these were discussed when a farmer asked others with experience for advice, he was told that this model turned out to be "glitchy" in their experience. When you had one thing fixed, something else would go wrong.

The advice one forum member gave was to look for a model before or after the 270 instead.

Well! You would not want your model to be doing any field work for you, right? You just want it for its handsome looks!

Guess what, I'll just charge $14.00 each instead of the $141,000 the full-sized MX 270 cost when they were new. What a bargain, eh? :)

Price: $14.00 Cdn/ea ~~ in Stock: 3

3.4 oz. ~~ 9 cm long X 8 cm. wide X 5 cm high
3.5 in long X 3.25 in wide X 2 in high
Shipping Pkg: 12 cm X 7 cm X 5 cm.; or 4.75 in X 2.75 in X 2 in

MX270 red Case IH Magnum Tractor 4WD with spaced dual rear wheels
Two MX270-red Case IH Magnum Tractors with 4WD dual rear wheels (facing each other)
MX270 red Case IH Magnum Tractors with amazing wheels (rear&front views)

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to Canadian address: C-1 = 1 item/box; C-2 = 2 items/box; C-3 = 3 items/box.
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to International addresss: I-i = 1 item/box; I-ii = 2 items/box; I-iii = 3 items/box (some smaller items)

[See Shipping n Payments page for Full details on Options. You may wish to see the page of photos where I show these arrangements with the real models and shipping boxes.]

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada