Case IH 2366 100,000th Axial Flow Combine with both a corn and a grain header (view from front-left)

Case IH 2366 100,000th Collector-Edition
Axial-Flow Combine with Corn and Grain Headers

It is no wonder that this 1:64 die-cast metal Case IH 2366 Combine with both a Corn-header and a Grain header was a popular and celebratory model of a combine that transformed harvests on farms all across North America and since then in other parts of the world.

You see, the Axial Flow Combine was the first to cycle air through the augers that drew up the harvest from the field. This made it easier to separate the chaff and plant material from the grain or corn kernels that were the desired harvest - all without bruising that precious harvest! In fact, it was filtered several times this way. That meant that farmers got a far better grade of produce to sell at market, and thus got better prices for truly clean grains, beans, or whatever was harvested with next to no debris mixed in with it!

No wonder farmers were buying and bragging on their Case International Harvester Axial Flow Combine! Of course, when the factory rolled out the 100,000th such model - it was time to celebrate! The company made that year's model stand out with a decal on both sides that had an elegant blue and yellow ribbon flowing along as if on a breeze. Above that was the lettering for "100,000th Axial Flow".

Of course, Ertl, the company that makes diecast models of the best farm machinery, cars, trucks, etc., can tell when a small scale edition will sell well too. This is your Collector Edition, which you can keep in the house with you, and often admire and touch proudly.

Price: $69.00 ~ in Stock: 1 set unboxed

12.2 oz. X 18 cm. long. X 10 cm. wide X 6.5 cm high/tall
Case IH 2366 - 100,000th Axial Flow Combine with corn header attached, also has grain header
Case IH 2366 - 100,000th Axial Flow Combine with corn header attached, also a grain header.
Case IH 2366 - 100,000th Axial Flow Combine with corn header and grain header (viewed from above)

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[See Shipping n Payments page for Full details on Options. You may wish to see the page of photos where I show these arrangements with the real models and shipping boxes.]

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada