9370 red Case IH tractor with dual wheels one way black cab windows

9370 Case IH Tractor, AccuSteer,
3-point hitch and PTO

9370 Case IH Tractor, with AccuSteer, 3-point hitch and PTO. That means the rear end of the tractor is on a swivel hitch, and so can turn much sharper corners than a tractor all in one piece. The 3-point hitch and Power Train allows for all kinds of equipment to be attached and used with this unique innovation.

You may notice that it has tinted windows of curved glass for the cab. This allows the farmer to see clearly and widely, but without the glare from the sun to tire out his eyes.

This model led to the even more powerful Steiger series. (Known for the STX before the model number). The 9300 series was built from 1996-1999. These were very versatile tractors and many are still around, or easy to find at auctions of used tractors.

You may have this model for $15.00 Cdn. I have only this one.

Price: $15.00 Cdn ~~ in Stock: 1

5.8 oz. ~ 11 cm long X 7 cm wide X 5 cm high
4.25 in long x 2.75 in wide X 2 in high
Shipping pkg. 12 cm X 7 cm X 5 cm
4.75 in X 2.75 in X 2 in

9370 red Case IH tractor with dual wheels one-way-black cab windows, rear n turned view
9370 red Case IH tractor with dual wheels, one-way-black-cab-windows, rear view
9370 red Case IH tractor with dual wheels, one-way-black-Cab windows, right-side-view

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to Canadian address: C-1 = 1 item/box; C-2 = 2 items/box; C-3 = 3 items/box.
to USA address: U-1 = 1 item/box; U-2 = 2 items/box; U-3 = 3 items/box
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to Canadian address: C-i = 1 item/box; C-ii = 2 items/box; C-iii = 3 items/box.
to USA address: U-i = 1 item/box; U-ii = 2 items/box; U-iii = 3 items/box
to International addresss: I-i = 1 item/box; I-ii = 2 items/box; I-iii = 3 items/box (some smaller items)

[See Shipping n Payments page for Full details on Options. You may wish to see the page of photos where I show these arrangements with the real models and shipping boxes.]

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada