Tom's Favourites

small, gold-plated car by Racing Champions

Small, Gold-plated Car by Racing Champions

This very sedate, rich-looking car with no name and no racing labels or logos on it, has only an impression (part of the model body) under the car, reading, "Racing Champions." That turns out to be a very large category with hundreds of models.

Most of those cars have decals or logos painted onto them, but there are some that quite stand out for their stark but shiny gold body. From the slant and shape of the rear window I'm guessing it is a no-name copy of a Ford.

There is no packaging carton with more information, but a quick Google search brings up hundreds of them for sale on eBay. The ones with original cartons sell for $60-80 easily.

So $30 sounds fair to me for this one that fits in both Tom's Favs, and the Toys category (where I often place those that are without their original packaging).

This pretty 'goldie' holds my attentive stare for long minutes at a time! Do you know someone who would also enjoy staring at it?

Price: $30.00 ~~ in Stock: 1
weight 2 oz. 8 cm.long X 2.5 cm wide x 2 cm. high
Packed in my smallest shipping box - 6" x 6" x 4" - there is room for 2-3 more small models, you can save on extra shipping costs by choosing a few more models before you check out.

small, gold-plated car by Racing Champions
small shiny GOLD car by Racing Champions
small shiny GOLD car by Racing Champions (front left side)

Condensed Shipping Options!

(Choose 2 - 3 models at once to reduce shipping!)
Put models you want into your Cart; at checkout make sure you are not charged for shipping on each model - if they qualify for one of these Options.

(Smallest Boxes)
to Canadian address: C-1 = 1 item/box; C-2 = 2 items/box; C-3 = 3 items/box.
to USA address: U-1 = 1 item/box; U-2 = 2 items/box; U-3 = 3 items/box
to International address: I-1 = 1 item/box; I-2 = 2 items/box; I-3 = 3 items/box (2nd size box)

(2nd Size Boxes)
to Canadian address: C-i = 1 item/box; C-ii = 2 items/box; C-iii = 3 items/box.
to USA address: U-i = 1 item/box; U-ii = 2 items/box; U-iii = 3 items/box
to International addresss: I-i = 1 item/box; I-ii = 2 items/box; I-iii = 3 items/box (some smaller items)

[See Shipping n Payments page for Full details on Options. You may wish to see the page of photos where I show these arrangements with the real models and shipping boxes.]

Ruth Marlene Friesen

Ruth Marlene Friesen
The Responsible One

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada