.This commemorative 1:64-scale 1979 Ford, especially issued by HotWheels, is a highly detailed replica of the truck Sam Walton drove to work accompanied by his loyal bird dog, Ol' Roy. Sam's vision, talent and dedication to his customers and employees are what drove him and earned him an unforgettable journey on The Road to Success.
Sam Walton's incredible success stemmed from his commitment to his consumers. "Exceed your customers' expectations. If you do, they'll come back over and over again," Sam believed. Sam Walton exceeded everyone's expectations. Even his own. Today there are nearly 3,000 Wal-Mart stores and wholesale clubs spanning eight countries.
"Rule #1: The customer is always right."
"Rule # 2: If the customer happens to be wrong, refer to Rule #1." (Sam Walton 1918-1992)
Hot Wheels' commemorative model of Sam Walton's 1979 Ford Sam Walton's 1979 Ford seen from the rear, showing his bird dog, Ol' Roy, riding there.
Do you notice Sam's bird dog in the back kennel?
There are more recent issues of this truck model, but this is the original first issue which comes sealed in the black box, and has the dog in the back of the box. The later issues do not have these features, and models like this are getting harder to find. ( I have 2 models, but only one to a customer).
P.S. If you are interested in seeing more of the Walton story, and this truck (the original one) in the Walton Museum in his home town of Benton, check out this Youtube video.
This commemorative 1:64-scale 1979 Ford, especially issued by HotWheels, is a highly detailed replica of the truck Sam Walton drove to work accompanied by his loyal bird dog, Ol' Roy. Sam's vision, talent and dedication to his customers and employees are what drove him and earned him an unforgettable journey on The Road to Success.
Price: $25.00/each ~~ in Stock: 2
1.4 oz. (truck alone) 3.4 oz in box. Display box = 12 cm long X 6 cm. wide X 15 cm. high.
[See Shipping n Payments page for Full details on Options. You may wish to see the page of photos where I show these arrangements with the real models and shipping boxes.]
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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada